Social Media Commenting Guidelines
Comments and questions on our social media sites are welcome. Please understand that we cannot respond to every comment, and that we will not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment via the Internet. If you have a question about your specific medical condition, please contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. If you are in the United States and believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.
Henry County Medical Center reserves the right to edit or delete any comments or content deemed inappropriate. The following types of comments or content will be deleted by administrators:
- Comments that include first and last names, locations or other personal or patient information.
- Comments that include blatant profanity, obscenities or are offensive in nature, sexually explicit, inappropriate, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable or inaccurate.
- Comments that are chain letters, off topic, posted multiple times or SPAM.
- Comments that advertise or solicit a business or service.
For the privacy of users and their families, please be advised that all postings to the Henry County Medical Center sponsored sites will be publicly available on the Internet and therefore accessible by the public. Please consider how much personal information to share, with the understanding that this information may be linked to your name and published on the Internet.
Links to other websites from Henry County Medical Center to sponsored sites are provided as a service to readers and do not constitute endorsement of those sites, and as such Henry County Medical Center is not responsible for the content of external websites.
By posting content to any of Henry County Medical Center’s sponsored sites, you understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public. Please note that other participants may use your posted information beyond the control of Henry County Medical Center. If you do not wish to have the information you have made available via this site used, published, copied and/or reprinted, please do not post on these sponsored sites.