Paris, TN — Are you planning a summer road trip with your kids? When was the last time you checked the label on your car seat to make sure your child hasn’t outgrown it? Have you double checked to make sure your child’s car seat is installed correctly? Many parents have these kinds of tasks on their To-Do list but just can’t find the time to make them a priority. Safe Kids Day offers a perfect opportunity to check the safety of your child and give peace of mind.
As students prepare to go back-to-school, Henry County Medical Center along with the Henry County Family Resource Center are giving you the perfect opportunity to celebrate children, prevent injuries and save lives at the 3rd Annual Safe Kids Day and Back to School Blast on Thursday, July 25 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The event will feature giveaways and door prizes including car seats and more. Enjoy free popcorn, and water provided by Pepsi. Stop by and see an Air Evac Helicopter, HCMC ambulance, fire truck, and a TWRA boat. Have your child’s spine checked for Scoliosis by HCMC’s Center for Wellness and Rehabilitation. Learn safety tips and how to keep your kids safe during the summer months and school year. Participants include HCMC, Paris Police and Fire, Henry County Sheriff’s Office, Henry County Prevention Coalition, Air Evac, Henry County Health Department, Paris Pediatrics, Tennessee Highway Patrol, LeBonheur Community Outreach, TWRA, BPU, Henry County Carl Perkins Center, and Henry County Emergency Communications/911.
The event is brought to you by Safe Kids West TN, Henry County Medical Center, the Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation, Paris Pediatrics, Pepsi, and the Henry County Family Resource Center along with participants above.
Create a My High 5 Checklist
In honor of Safe Kids Day, we are encouraging parents to create a My High 5 checklist with five safety tips they select to do. Of course, everyone has different safety priorities based on the ages and stages of their children, so My High 5 makes it easy to pick the action items that work best for each family.
Preventable injuries, like car crashes, drowning, fire, burns and falls, are the leading killer of kids in the U.S. But by providing support and education to families, Safe Kids Worldwide has helped prevent more than 200,000 of these tragedies from happening.
For more information, call our Find Line at 731-644-3463 or go to our website at www.hcmc-tn.org.
About Safe Kids Worldwide
Safe Kids Worldwide is a nonprofit organization working to protect kids on the road, at home and at play. Preventable injuries are the number one cause of death for children in the United States. Throughout the world, almost one million children die of an injury each year, and almost every one of these tragedies is preventable. Safe Kids works with an extensive network of more than 400 coalitions in the U.S. and with partners in more than 30 countries to reduce traffic injuries, drownings, falls, burns, poisonings and more. Since 1988, Safe Kids has helped reduce the U.S. childhood death rate from unintentional injury by 60 percent. Working together, we can do much more to protect kids. Join our effort at safekids.org.
About Henry County Medical Center
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Additionally, HCMC owns and operates 7 provider clinics in various specialties that now with @DocASAP, you can book appointments online, stay connected with these providers through text/email and always stay updated. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution. For more information: www.hcmc-tn.org.