Paris, Tenn.–Henry County Mayor Brent Greer, City of Paris Mayor Carlton Gerrell and Paris City Manager Kim Foster have extended the Henry County and City of Paris State of Emergency Declarations through April 23, 2020. This follows Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Order #27, which extended Executive Order 23 through the end of April.
Henry County and the City of Paris initially declared the local State of Emergency last week, which would have expired April 16, 2020, if not renewed. (Unlike the Governor’s Executor Orders, Local States of Emergency automatically expire after 7 days unless renewed.)
Paris City Manager Kim Foster said: “This week’s declarations do not contain anything new, but only extends last week’s declarations. Henry County and Paris City governments will support Governor Lee’s Executive Order #27.”
To dispel any such rumors:
- The local State of Emergency declarations do not prohibit essential activities or essential services as defined in the Governor’s Executive Order #23.
- There is not a state or local curfew.
- Travel is not restricted, except as provided in the Governor’s Executive Order #23.
- Businesses that provide essential services may remain open. Employers are not required to issue documents authorizing their employees to travel to and from work.
The Tennessee Department of Health has moved their COVID-19 drive-through testing site from the Health Department on Joy Street to the Bethel University parking lot across the street from Henry County Medical Center. This combines the testing efforts of Henry County Medical Center and the Health Department. Testing hours are 9AM–3PM Monday–Friday. Anyone wishing to be tested may now be tested.
The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Henry County remains at 8. Statewide there are 6,079 confirmed cases.
City of Paris Mayor Carlton Gerrell stated: “The Governments of Henry County and the City of Paris, the local Health Department, and Henry County Medical Center, are doing a remarkable job managing the COVID-19 pandemic at the local level. Hopefully we will be back to normal operations soon. We deeply appreciate the sacrifices of small businesses and the cooperation of essential businesses and residents. Compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order and the local State of Emergency requirements is paying a big dividend for the health and safety of Henry County.
Please direct questions to the Henry County Mayor’s office at 731-642-5212 or Paris City Hall at 731-641-1402.