(Paris, TN). Henry County Mayor Brent Greer and City of Paris Mayor Carlton Gerrell will issue Local State of Emergency Declarations for Henry County and the City of Paris effective 12:01 AM Thursday Morning April 9, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These declarations empower the County and Paris City governments to take whatever action is prudent and necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the community. The State of Emergency will remain in effect for 7 days and can be renewed as needed to protect the community.
Henry County now has six confirmed COVID-19 cases. Our citizens should continue to follow Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Orders and the Center for Disease Control guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
County Mayor Greer and Mayor Gerrell emphasize the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic, which healthcare officials are calling “a serious situation.” Henry County Medical Center is seeing an increase in patients needing treatment for COVID-19. Henry County Medical Center staff has urged local governments to take additional action to mitigate the spread in Henry County. COVID-19 testing continues to be available locally through local clinics, Henry County Medical Center, and the Henry County Health Dept. The Health Dept will be closed on Friday, however, the Assessment and Testing Services will be available from 9AM – 12PM. Citizens are encouraged to continue to give blood when donations services are available.
The state of emergency declarations order Paris and Henry County residents to “Shelter at Home” and require residents to follow Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Orders pertaining to COVID-19. Violations may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In short, Henry Countians are required to stay home unless they are engaged in an Essential Activity or Essential Service. When away from home, Henry Countians should follow social distancing and CDC guidelines to protect themselves and each other.
Henry County and the City of Paris are taking steps to limit staff and public from COVID-19 exposure while continuing essential government business. Citizens are encouraged to call government offices for instructions on how to receive services.
Public access to Paris City Hall is limited to phone access during the regular business hours of 7:30 – 4:30 Monday through Friday. Any business that requires in-person assistance will be by appointment only. Any non-essential services may be limited or suspended during this time. Emergency services will not be limited. Phone numbers of interest and assistance are:
- Paris City Hall: 641-1402
- Police Department non-emergency: 642-2424
- Public Works: 642-0473
- Paris-Henry Co. Landfill: 644-1737
- Paris-Henry Co. Animal Shelter: 642-5024
- WG Rhea Public Library: 642-1702
The Courthouse and Courthouse Annex will operate on an abbreviated schedule during the State of Emergency; public access to those buildings will be limited to 8AM to 10AM Monday through Friday. Other county services will be available by appointment only. Other county facilities will also limit public access, and some services may be reduced during this time. The Henry County Recycling Center will be open from 7AM to 11AM each day, and the drop off area will remain open after hours.
Circuit Court Clerk Mike Wilson and Chancery Court Clerk Mary Burns jointly announce the court clerks’ offices will operate on the same abbreviated schedule as the Courthouse. By prior order of the Tennessee Supreme Court, most in-person court proceedings have been postponed through the end of April.
Mike Wilson explained: “This simply means we will continue to operate our court clerk business offices as we have but with less open hours per day. If you have any questions about an up-coming court date, please follow up with your attorney or call the appropriate court clerk’s office. We will be glad to assist you. Each court clerk will continue to maintain open office hours even if abbreviated for as long as we are able. If the situation should change, we will make those changes known through our local media and other outlets available to us.”
Any questions regarding county or court related matters may be directed to the appropriate office listed below.
Henry County Department Contacts:
- County Mayor: 642-5212
- Chancery Court: 642-4234
- Circuit Court: 642-0461
- General Sessions: 642-0461
- Juvenile Court: 642-5271
- County Clerk: 642-2412
- Central Building: 642-3758
- Election Commission: 642-0411
- Highway Dept: 642-3162
- Property Assessor: 642-0162
- Register of Deeds: 642-4081
- County Trustee: 642-6633
- Office On Aging: 642-2619
- Recycling Center: 642-5170
- Sheriffs Dept: 642-1672
- Veterans Services: 642-5055
To read the declaration, click here: State of Emergency COVID-19 4-8-20