Click the link to read the latest issue: Healthy Focus – August
Get Tough, Speak Up!
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Though we teach our children to ignore taunts because they cannot be physically hurt by them, evidence shows that words can wound. Bullying is increasingly recognized not just as a hurdle of childhood, but as a public health issue with serious, long-term consequences…Learn More
Community Calendar
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Provider Spotlight:
Myths and Facts about the COVID-19 Vaccine with Drs. Evans and Church
There are so many myths and misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine that it is hard to know what is true and if you and your family should get it. Drs. Evans and Church share facts about the vaccine. They also encourage the community, ages 12 years and older, to get their COVID-19 vaccine so that we can return to normal and not miss out on life!
4 Ways to Reduce Your Child’s Risk of Sports Injuries
With concussions and other kids’ sports injuries in the news these days, sometimes it may seem safer to just keep your child safely at home on the couch next to you. But there are many precautions you can take to help ensure that your son or daughter doesn’t end up in the ER, say experts. Here are four ways to help minimize the risk of sports injuries for your children…Learn More

Grilled Avocado with Veggie Ceviche
Avocados contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, are loaded with fiber, and may lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Click the link to read the latest issue: Healthy Focus – August