PARIS, TN – Summer heat and COVID-19 got you down? Healthier Henry County along with Henry County Medical Center and other partners in the community are offering families a chance to get healthy and social distancing by participating in a Family Fun Scavenger Hunt Bingo game during the week of July 27- 31.
Participants have the opportunity to collect educational activity packs, register for prizes, and obtain free gifts at various locations throughout the community. Each stop gives you a chance to mark one or more spaces on your bingo card. Each bingo provides you an entry for prizes, while a completed bingo card allows you to be entered for a very large prize. More to come on social media about all the prizes.
Bingo cards are available Healthy Henry Co Bingo Card (5) or you can pick them up at the following locations:
- Paris Henry County Chamber of Commerce
- Sweet Jordan’s
- Paris Nutrition
- Lakeway Nutrition
- Rhea Library
The schedule of specific activities for the week is as follows:
Monday, July 27th
- Paris Civic Center, 8 am -5 pm: Pick up info on all things Paris parks along with some freebies!
Tuesday, July 28th
- Henry Co. UT Extension, 8:30am – 3 pm: Pick up a free activity pack for your family!
- Paris Farmers’ Market 3 pm until gone: Check out all our vendors and pick up a free activity pack!
- Lifeline Blood Drive at Walmart, 1 pm to 6 pm: Choose to save a life by donating blood!
Wednesday, July 29th
- Family Resource Center: drop off a book and/or a nonperishable food item, and get some freebies!
- Free Produce from the Sheriff’s Dept. at Kroger 1:30 pm until gone: free produce! First come, first served!
Thursday, July 30th
- Eiffel Tower Park: take a photo with the Eiffel Tower lit up red and post to social media for Human Trafficking Awareness! Make sure to use the hashtags #RedSandTN and #ItHasToStop
- Paris City Hall, 8:30 am to 4 pm: stop by the lobby to pick up free dental hygiene items for the family!
- Paris Pediatrics, 8:30 am – 3 pm (Thursday OR Friday): stop by and pick up some freebies and info for your family!
- Lee School, 4 pm: stop by for a short 20 minute yoga session on the lawn for a chance to win a free yoga package!
Friday, July 31st
- Paris Pediatrics, 8:30 am to 4 pm: stop by and pick up some freebies and info for you family!
- Henry County Health Department, 9 am to 12 Noon: stop by and grab free washable face masks for the family along with an activity pack and freebies.
Activities available all week long include:
Monday-Friday, Any Time 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
- Paris & Henry County Chamber of Commerce: Pick up an activity pack, and sign up for a chance to win a gift card for a local business!
- Carl Perkins Center: Learn about family safety, and grab a free prize for the kiddos!
- Story Book Trail at Eiffel Tower Park: After the trail, stop by W.G. Rhea Library for a FREE book!
- Sweet Jordan’s: Stop by during business hours and leave a message of gratitude or positivity on their windows!
- Eagle Creek Clinic: Pick up an activity pack while supplies last.
Access anytime: Videos – These will be available from the HCMC website, YouTube Channel, and Social Media Outlets. You can also Hashtag your selfies anytime during the week as well.
Rules for the event are as follows:
- Download or Pick Up a Bingo Card.
- Complete the various tasks and pick up free items while doing them.
- At each location, be sure to pick up your sticker to add to your Bingo card to show you completed the tasks.
- Post pictures of you and your family completing tasks on social media with hashtag #HHCScavengerHunt
- Turn in your Bingo Card to Sweet Jordan’s by July 31 for a chance to win multiple prizes on Monday, August 3, given away LIVE on FB and Instagram. All cards with a completed Bingo will be eligible for prizes. A completed Bingo card will be eligible for an additional grand prize drawing.
“HCMC is excited to participate with this event and be part of the planning of it,” said Tory Daughrity, Director of Marketing and Public Relations. “We want to be able to continue to promote healthy lifestyles even during a difficult time for all of us. Many have put a lot of work into this, so please come out and participate! We will be posting updates daily on our social media platforms so be on the look out!”
If you have any questions or need more information, please call 731-644-3463 or go online at www.hcmc-tn.org.
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Additionally, HCMC owns and operates 8 provider clinics in various specialties. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution. For more information: www.hcmc-tn.org.