Paris, TN – Henry County Medical Center is offering two opportunities today to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
This Friday, November 12 in the HCMC Classrooms 2 & 3, we will be offering Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccines to those interested in receiving it. First, second, and third doses (boosters) are available.
Moderna vaccine will be given Friday mornings from 8 a.m.- 10 a.m. for ages 18 and up. Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be given Friday mornings from 9:30 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. for ages 18 and up. Pfizer vaccine will be given Friday afternoons from 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. for ages 12 and up. Minors must have identification and must have a parent present to receive vaccination.
HCMC will provide free t-shirts to those being vaccinated as well as give-aways.
Additionally, HCMC will be offering the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Friday, November 12 from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Paris Pediatrics for children 5 to 11 years of age only. Parents/Legal Guardians must be present and please bring identification to verify child’s age. Vaccines will be given inside the building at Paris Pediatrics.
At this event, those who receive a vaccination will be given a $10 voucher for food to local restaurants as well as a free t-shirt. Snacks will be provided along with goodie bags at this event. On return for the second shot, all those participating will receive other goodies as well as be eligible for a grand prize.
Anyone interested in learning more about the Pfizer vaccine clinic for children ages 5 to 11 years of age can watch a video online about it: https://youtu.be/p9NBSsIz5sw
HCMC will offer two more COVID-19 vaccination clinics with Friday, November 19 being the last day for the community to receive COVID vaccines from HCMC. December 31 will be the last day for anyone outside of HCMC organization to receive a COVID vaccine from HCMC. Beginning January 1, 2022, our supply of vaccine will be limited and for employees and new-hires only. For information on these last two clinics, please go online at www.hcmc-tn.org
As a reminder: boosters are available to the following groups of people:
-65 years of age and older
-18 through 64 years of age at high risk of severe COVID-19
-18 through 64 years of age with frequent institutional or occupational exposure to SARSCoV-2
Booster for J&J may occur at 2 months from the first vaccine. Booster for Pfizer (full dose) and Moderna (half of original dose) may occur at 6 months from the first vaccine. The FDA has authorized mix and match of vaccines and anyone interested in doing this needs to speak to their healthcare provider. Immunocompromised patients are still eligible for full dose Pfizer and Moderna boosters 28 days after their second vaccine.
For questions, please go to our HCMC vaccination page https://www.hcmc-tn.org/coronavirus-covid-19-information/covid-19-vaccinations/.
You can find clinics, pharmacies, and other locations in the area that are offering COVID-19 vaccines by going online at www.vaccinefinder.org. You may also call the state’s vaccine request line at 1-866-442-5301.
There are usually mild to moderate side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine. The most common side effect caused by the vaccine includes pain at the site where the vaccine was given, which is in the arm. Other side effects may include a headache, fever, chills or muscle aches. Anyone receiving the vaccine needs to utilize the v-safe system as well as report any adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at https://vaers.hhs.gov as well as HCMC Infection Control at 731-644-8260 during regular business hours, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hours, report to your primary care provider or the Emergency Department.
How you can help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses such as Coronavirus:
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then discard in a trash.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your health care provider. To learn more, go to our website at www.hcmc-tn.org or go to the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html
About Henry County Medical Center
Located in Paris, TN, Henry County Medical Center is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjoining region. Including a 142-bed hospital and other facilities, the medical center provides a variety of outpatient services, as well as inpatient care. Additionally, HCMC owns and operates 7 provider clinics in various specialties. Henry County Medical Center is a county-owned and operated nonprofit institution. For more information: www.hcmc-tn.org.