PARIS, TN – The Center for Wellness and Rehabilitation at Henry County Medical Center is an outpatient facility offering physical, occupational, and speech therapies to individuals needing rehabilitation. HCMC Center for Wellness and Rehabilitation specializes in a variety of techniques and are dedicated to providing timely and effective treatments to help our patients return to their highest level of function, therefore improving their quality of life.
At HCMC Center for Wellness and Rehabilitation, we offer a variety of services that you or a loved one could utilize to improve your quality of life. Our staff at the Center for Wellness is comprised of four physical therapists, five physical therapy assistants, one occupational therapist, one occupational therapist assistant and two speech-language pathologists. Debbie Jelks, Director of Rehabilitation Services, is certified in pediatric physical therapy. The following services are offered by their caring and talented staff:
Pediatric Certified Specialist
Those age birth through age 18 that have been diagnosed with physical impairment or motor/sensory delay often require a pediatric physical therapist. Pediatric populations are so different from adults and are not “mini” adults. Being a specialist is helpful as growth spurts and other changes are addressed with pediatrics that do not come into play in adults.
Sensory Integration Therapy
SI ( Sensory Integration )
Sensory Integration is needed when our sensory and motor systems are not working together as they should resulting in dysfunctional , non-purposeful movements, . like you often see in children with austism. Therapist assesses function of sensory system/motor control and will then develop programs/activities to perform all day in school and at home to work through the SI issues.
Joint Replacement Class
This class is offered to patients with an upcoming knee, hip or shoulder replacement to educate them on their pending surgical procedure, hospital stay, and rehabilitation. Henry County Medical Center has received accreditation by JCAHO as a Total Joint Center of Excellence and this class offered by the Center for Wellness & Rehab staff is part of that accreditation. This class meets every Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the HCMC Private Dining Room.
Vestibular Rehab Therapy
Patients with vertigo, balance deficits, and inner ear disorders turn to Vestibular Rehab Therapy that assists to improve their function and safety. Specific exercises and activities are implemented in individualized programs to improve quality of life and promote central nervous system compensation.
Common Diagnoses treated with VRT include:
- Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo (BPPV)
- Vestibular Hypofunction
- Post Concussive Syndrome
- Symptoms associated with Meniere’s Disease
- Stroke (CVA) / mini-stroke (TIA)
- Symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis
- Cervical Spine dysfunction
Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic Therapy is a series of water-based exercise used to promote relaxation, increase overall fitness, or used for rehabilitation purposes. Hydrostatic properties allow patients to perform techniques and specific exercises with decreased impact on the body and more freedom of movement.
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Pelvic Floor Rehab address muscles of the pelvic floor in both men and women that function to support our organs, assist in bowel and bladder function and part of sexual intimacy.
Certified Integrative Manual Therapist
A Certified Integrative Manual Therapist offers a comprehensive body approach to manual hands-on therapy in order to address dysfunction and pain drivers individualized to each patient. The influence of hands-on therapy can be achieved through joint mobilization and manipulation, soft-tissue manipulation, hands-on guidance or retraining movement, trigger-point dry needling, and instrument-assisted manual therapy.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
IASTM is a manual technique with specialized tools to treat fascia restrictions and scar adhesion. This improves mobility due to tissue abnormality.
This technique facilitates the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting mobility. Kinesiotaping is an elastic therapeutic taping method seeking to improve blood flow and decrease pain through biofeedback, joint unloading, and postural/joint alignment. It allows muscle movement and makes space for drainage and blood flow by lifting skin.
This method is a new spin on the home gaming system Nintendo Wii. Patients see this as a great alternative to boring and repetitive exercises programs. The incorporation of gross limb and body movements into a game setting keeps patients much more engaged. This is beneficial for patient’s suffering from Parkinson ’s disease, stroke, balance and coordination deficits.
Sports Rehabilitation
Sports Rehab is a specialized treatment focused on the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of the patient back to optimal levels of functional, occupational and sports specific fitness, regardless of age and ability.
Splinting requires fabricating individualized upper extremity splints or any type of upper extremity injury, weakness or dysfunction. Splints can be made to protect joints or to assist in movements, depending on the impairment
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is provided to patients of all ages with either developmental or acquired speech, language or swallowing disorders. Speech Therapists assist patients with an array of disorders associated with stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), cerebral palsy (CP), dyslexia, autism and ADD/ADHD. They provide advanced sound therapy to aid patients in all areas of communication to improve attention, concentration, memory, and language.
VitalStim® Therapy System
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation involves the administration of small, electrical impulses to the swallowing muscles in the throat through electrodes attached to the skin overlaying the musculature. This is highly effective at improving and restoring swallow function.
Swallow Studies
These are performed by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist to assess the likelihood and/or presence of aspiration and to determine the patient’s ability to chew and swallow food in a functional and safe manner.
Integrated Listening System
iLS uses sounds transmitted through a headset to give the brain input for normalizing processes with haring and cognition skills.
The main goal of our physical therapists at HCMC is to improve and restore your life to the highest level of function with as limited pain as possible. When you are in the hands of one of HCMC’s physical therapists, you have a plan of care that is safe and appropriate and addresses your individual needs and pre-existing conditions. As you make important decisions about health care for you or your family, it is important to remember that physical therapists:
- Work one on one with you at all times at the Wellness Center
- Talk with you at every visit regarding your physical impairments
- Significantly improve mobility to perform daily activities
- Provide an alternative to painful and expensive surgery, in many cases
- Manage or eliminate pain without medication and its side effects, in many cases.
To receive outpatient therapy at the Center for Wellness & Rehab, one must have a physician’s order. Most insurance plans cover therapy as long as ordered by a physician.
Henry County Medical Center recently held a Lunch to Learn on all the various specialties offered by the Center for Wellness & Rehab. You can watch this Lunch to Learn on our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/henrycomedcenter.
We also offer the McKenzie approach to spinal pathologies as well as functional movement screenings.
For more information concerning any of our services, please call us at (731) 642-2411 from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or email Debbie Jelks, PT, MSPT, PCS, Rehabilitation Services Director at djelks@hcmc-tn.org.