PARIS, Tenn. (April 25, 2019)– Donate Life Tennessee Ambassadors play an important role in the community. They share education on the importance of organ and tissue donation to the public by informing them on how to register to be a donor and asking them to share their decision with their family.
The Donate Life Tennessee Ambassador group is made up of people who are waiting for life-saving transplants, those who have already been transplanted, donor family members, living donors, and supporters. Anyone can be a Donate Life Ambassador!
Organ and tissue donors save and transform lives. Donate Life Ambassadors help reach thousands of individuals with organ and tissue donation awareness activities with churches, high schools, hospitals, health fairs, and other community events.
Orientation sessions for new ambassadors is scheduled to prepare them for educating and interacting with the public. After the orientation, Tennessee Donor Services will provide additional training sessions and communications to help expand knowledge and presentation skills.
Donate Life Tennessee Ambassador orientation has been scheduled in Henry County:
Where: Henry County Medical Center
301 Tyson Avenue
Paris, TN 38242
Training will be held in classrooms 2 & 3
When: Tuesday, May 14, 2019
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Light refreshments will be served
To get started, please visit https://tds.dcids.org/donate-life-volunteers and complete the volunteer application prior to orientation.
Contact Wanda Stanfill at wanda.stanfill@dcids.org or call 731-394-0619 for additional information.