(Paris), Tenn. – The Henry County Health Department is now offering COVID-19 testing for the community by appointment. Anyone who wishes to be tested for COVID-19 should call the health department clinic at (731) 642-4025 to make an appointment for testing. Testing is no longer available at the Bethel University Paris Campus.
“Anyone with concerns about their health or the health of a family member is invited to call us to set a time to receive testing for COVID-19,” said Tracy Byrd, Henry County Health Director.
“We’re providing this testing at no cost to participants, and test results may be available within 72 hours after the samples arrive at the lab, depending on lab volume.”
The Henry County Health Department is located at 803 Joy Street in Paris. COVID-19 testing will be offered from 1:30 P.M – 3:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, beginning June 1st. Please call the clinic to make an appointment for testing.
Health department nurses will collect nasal swabs to send to the lab for your COVID-19 test. You do not have to live in Henry County to be tested at the health department. Those who come for testing should be prepared to isolate themselves at home while awaiting their test results, and will be given information on what to expect after their test. This information is also available online at www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-
Everyone wishing to be tested for COVID-19 should be prepared to share their contact information so health department staff members can provide their test results. Everyone tested will be contacted about their results, whether they are negative or positive, and given further instructions to protect their health and the health of those around them.
Tennessee’s Coronavirus Public Information Lines are open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., CDT daily at 833-556-2476 or 877-857-2945.
TDH is posting updated COVID-19 case numbers by 2 p.m. CDT each day at
www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html. Find additional information at
www.tn.gov/governor/covid-19.html and www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.