You are the One in 2021 – Eating for a Healthy Heart
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Sunday, February 21, 2021 - 12 Noon
Join from the Comfort of Your Home
Join us for our February "You are the One in 2021" presentation on Eating for a Healthy Heart featuring Kim Dempsey, MS, RDN, LDN, CDCES, Chief Clinical Dietitian at HCMC., as she discusses how to start a heart healthy diet during American Heart Month You can catch her video on our FB page and other social media sites including YouTube on Sunday, February 21 at 12 Noon. Learn how to start a heart healthy diet during American Heart Month!
Here is the link to the video for the event:
HCMC has many activities scheduled for Heart Health Month, so be sure to stay tuned on our social media sites as well as our website at
Mark your calendar for the 21st of each month to learn about ways to make you and your health your number one priority in 2021, with both FB Live and videotaped presentations. For more information, go to
Complete Calendar for 2021:
Knowing Your Numbers – An Online Heart Health Seminar
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
12 Noon
Enjoy in the Comfort of Your Home
Learn the importance of knowing your numbers for a heart healthy lifestyle.
HCMC is offering a Zoom seminar with Amanda Maples, BSN, RN, Saint Thomas Health Alliance, Alliance Executive | Cardiovascular Service Line. She will be discussing “Knowing Your Numbers,” and the importance of living a heart healthy lifestyle. Learn about "Life's Simple 7" and what you can do to ensure your heart stays strong. Register through Facebook, our website -,or by calling our Find Line at 731-644-3463. A link to the seminar will be sent and slides provided after the event. To make an appointment with St. Thomas Heart, call 731-644-8226.
You are the One in 2021 – Our Aging Brains
12:00pm - 12:30pm
Join us for our March "You are the One in 2021" presentation on Our Aging Brains presented by Ali Miller, PMHNP, part of the clinical leadership team at Lake Haven Behavioral Center.
Learn how our mental health needs change during our life stages and how you can take care of your aging brain.
Mark your calendar for the 21st of each month to learn about ways to make you and your health your number one priority in 2021, with both FB Live and videotaped presentations.
The FB Event Link is here:
For more information, go to
Here is the link to the video that will premiere on March 21 at 12 Noon:
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Friday, March 26
12 Noon
Stephen Phillips, MD
General Surgery
Affiliated with Paris Surgical Specialists
Colorectal Cancer is the 4th most frequently diagnosedtype of cancer, but regular screenings can significantly lower the risk of death.
Join us on Friday, March 26 at 12 Noon to meet our newest general surgeon, Dr. Stephen Phillips,as he discusses the signs and symptoms of colorectalcancer, risk factors, and what recommended screenings you need as well as when to have them.
Help us "Kiss Colorectal Cancer Goodbye " by attending thisinformative session - e-mail us or call us at 731-644-3463 to request an info packet and a free lipstick!
Send questions in advance to or submit via FB Messenger.
Watch the event LIVE here:
Heart Strong – Successfully Living with Heart Failure Free Zoom Seminar
11:00am - 12:00pm
Dr. Mark Aaron from St. Thomas Heart will share with those attending the FREE Zoom Seminar how to thrive with heart failure.
HCMC is offering a Zoom seminar with Dr. Mark Aaron is an Advanced Heart Failure cardiologist at Ascension Saint Thomas Heart.
He has served the patients of Henry County for several years, and he is passionate about improving patients outcomes and being proactive in educating the community about how to prevent heart disease and heart failure.
Dr. Aaron will be sharing on how to successfully live with heart failure. Register through Facebook, our website -, or by calling our Find Line at 731-644-3463. A link to the seminar will be sent and slides provided after the event along with a heart healthy goodie bage. To make an appointment with St. Thomas Heart, call 731-644-8226.
You can register also through Eventbrite: