Chronic Disease Management Screening
7:00am - 11:00am
Our Chronic Disease Management Program offers screening including total lipid panel, blood sugar, blood pressure, BMI and A1c. If a person has a chronic condition , smokes or is overweight, they can join the program for free. Participants are screened every three months and receive education about their chronic conditions. All patients must be fasting for 8 hours to participate in the screening.
Additionally, because of COVID-19 and limited visitation, those wanting to attned must call for an appointment. This is to limit the number of people in our screening area at one time. Those attending must wear a mask to the screening and are asked to enter at the HR entrance of the hospital on the bottom level of the hospital. Staff will be there to let you into the facility and do temperature checks.
For more information on these screenings, making an appointment, or to join our Chronic Disease Management program, call 731-644-8215 or email