Capital Projects

Through the years, the Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation has supported such capital projects as the Walking Trail at Henry County Healthcare Center, Expansion of the Skilled Rehabilitation Center, the building of the new EMS Lake Station and the development of the Cardiac Rehab Program.
Additionally, the Foundation has purchased much needed equipment for the organization. To make a donation, or for more information on how to make a contribution towards upcoming capital projects, call the Foundation office at (731) 644-8536.
Designated Funds
The Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation has several established designated funds for activities at HCMC and within the community. The money raised for these specific funds is used only for these endeavors.
Caring Hearts Fund

Founded in 2010, the Caring Hearts Fund was established to assist the many people in our local communities who have been touched by cancer. Caring Hearts strives to provide comprehensive patient/family support services and community outreach to Henry, Stewart, Weakley, Benton and Carroll Counties. Download the brochure.
The fund provides financial assistance for medical bills, prescriptions, nutritional supplements, insurance co-pays and deductibles, and transportation assistance to those who have a financial need. Download the assistance application.
Sounds of Hope

This fund is utilized to off-sets the overhead costs of providing sound-based therapies to individuals with learning and communication related difficulties. Integrated Listening Systems is a non-invasive auditory re-education program, which helps the listener achieve fast, efficient auditory processing skills.
The unique listening programs “exercise” the visual, auditory and balance systems simultaneously, improving mental and physical capabilities as well as self-confidence. Clients as young as 2 ½ can benefit from iLs with no age limit for adults. A typical program involves 23-30 sessions that last approximately an hour and a half, with 1 or 2 three-week breaks in the middle. iLs has consistently shown success in improving attention difficulties, auditory processing difficulties, reading difficulties, learning difficulties, self-esteem as well as alertness, focus and energy.
Hospice Angels of Light Benevolent Fund
Since HCMC Hospice is non-profit and owned by the citizens of Henry County, the program will accept patients who reside in Henry County regardless of their ability to pay. Donations to this fund supplement the care of those patients who have limited benefits or no coverage.
To learn more about these funds as well as others, contact the Foundation at (731) 644-8536.